Monday, November 4, 5:00 pm until 6:30 pm ZOOM A meeting of the Finance Committee
Notice of Plainfield Finance Committee
Meeting & Planned Agenda
Notice of Plainfield Finance Committee Meeting
The Plainfield Finance Committee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
This meeting will be recorded.
The Zoom Waiting Room function will be used. The Waiting Room allows the host to control when a participant joins the meeting. Attendees may be omitted one by one, or held in the Waiting Room and admitted all at once.
Topic: Plainfield Finance Committee Zoom Meeting
Time: Monday, 11/04/’24 @ 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
~ Can Finance Committee meeting minutes be posted on new town website yet? If not yet ready, continue posting on old website.
Draft submission for Finance Committee FY’25 Annual Town Report. (Documentation to be forwarded separately.)
Discussion of Description of Finance Committee Duties for the new Town Webpage (Documentation to be forwarded separately.)
Continuing discussion of Grant Writing Proposal
~ What are the recent & past Plainfield grant applications both successful and unsuccessful? What are the town departments, grant names, grant purpose, granting agencies & dates? (I've asked Paula King for a list weeks ago and as she's very busy, I'm still waiting.)
~ Who in Plainfield has been responsible for grant submissions in the past?
~ What grants are we aware of which have been successful? I think a partial verbal list could be useful to beginning conversations with town committees and departments.
~ Who do FC members know in nearby towns who have grant writing responsible & whom we may contact?
Discuss differing understanding of DOR regulations about possibly of Earthdance charging a 6% Room/Lodging Tax.
Follow up asking Town Treasurer about alternative to current town accounting software.
Follow-up discussion about meeting w/ Assessors about Split Tax rate.
Discussion about feasibility of Community Preservation Act (CPA). (Documentation to be forwarded separately.)~ Other revenue ideas continued? Plainfield departments’ charges, fees and fines? Are they current and up-to-date?
Next Finance Committee meeting? Tentative schedule? (Documentation will be forwarded separately.)
Matters listed are those reasonably anticipated at the time of posting which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may be discussed. Any other business that comes before the Board may also be discussed. Votes may be taken on any matters that come before the Committee.