The Planning Board in Plainfield oversees most special permits and site plan review for uses and structures listed in the Use Table of the Zoning Bylaw other than those which are permitted by right.
The first step in the process is obtaining a deterrmination from the Zoning Enforcement Officer/Building Commissioner about whether your proposed use or structure is allowed by right, requires site plan review, requires a special permit, or is not allowed in Plainfield.
File a Zoning Deterrmination Form and submit it by e-mail or deliver to the town office.
If the Building Commissioner indicates that a special perrmit or site plan review is required, file an application form with required attachments and pay any applicable fees to the Town Clerk. Attachments may be sent by e-mail to the Planning Board.
Upon receipt, the Planning Board will add discussion of your project to our next regular meeting, which you will be invited to attend. At that time we will review the application for completeness only, and will schedule a public hearing to review the application and to seek public input. At the public hearing, the board will either approve the application, approve the application with conditions, or will request additional information and/or changes and continue the public hearing to a later date.